The Adventures of Parry / Tom / Buddy / Benny


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The following images I took of Windsor, Ontario.
Click on an image to see a larger view.

Windsor, Ontario Casino across the Michigan River from Detroit, MI Windsor, Ontario Casino across the Michigan River from Detroit, MI
Windsor, Ontario Casino across the Michigan River from Detroit, MI Windsor, Ontario across Michigan River from Detroit, MI
The Roger Blough (Great Lakes Fleet) traveling the Michigan River between Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, MI The Roger Blough (Great Lakes Fleet) traveling the Michigan River between Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, MI
The Roger Blough (Great Lakes Fleet) traveling the Michigan River between Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, MI The Roger Blough (Great Lakes Fleet) traveling the Michigan River between Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, MI
The Roger Blough (Great Lakes Fleet) traveling the Michigan River between Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, MI The Roger Blough (Great Lakes Fleet) traveling the Michigan River between Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, MI
The Roger Blough (Great Lakes Fleet) traveling the Michigan River between Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, MI Windsor, Ontario Casino
Windsor, Ontario Casino Food and Wine Music Festival outside the Windsor, Ontario Casino
Food and Wine Music Festival outside the Windsor, Ontario Casino Food and Wine Music Festival outside the Windsor, Ontario Casino
Food and Wine Music Festival outside the Windsor, Ontario Casino Food and Wine Music Festival outside the Windsor, Ontario Casino
    Food and Wine Music Festival outside the Windsor, Ontario Casino    

Remember to visit by Tom Reider.




Detroit, MI


Old Stadium & Station


Old Slumpy